Shakespeare our contemporary

Shakespeare our contemporary: The first time I heard it was at High School in very small town, in Poland, 70 km of Warsaw.

To think…
Or not to think

Eloquence of sex: is the graceful delivery of words that is fluid with a superior level of style and confidence.
Ms. Ford: Well heaven knows how I love you; and you shall one day find it.
Falstaff: Keep in that mind: I’ll deserve it.
“Merry Wives of Windsor” by William Shakespeare

(a triptych):
a beautiful young woman with a strong personality; character from the most
famous love story ever written, “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
This is how I do understand this character/beauty

Oberon: Tarry I must wanton: am not I thy lord?
Titania: Then I must be thy lady: but I know When thou hast stol’n away from fair-land. And in the shape of Corin sat all day…
“Midsummer Night Dream” by William Shakespeare

Study of horor:
Clarence: I must perforce: farwell.
Richard 3rd: Go, tread the path that thou shalt ne’er return, Simple plain
Clarence! – I do love these so That I will  shortly send thy soul to heaven,
If heaven I will take the present at our hands.
“The Life and Death of King Richard 3rd” by William Shakespeare

Sensual pleasure:
Mrs. Page: Nay, I know not, it makes me almost ready to wrangle with mine honesty. I’ll entertain myself like one that I am not acquainted withal; for, sureunless he know some strain in me that I know not myself, he would  never have boarded me in this fury.
Mrs. Ford: Boarding, call you it? I’ll be sure to keep him above the deck.
“Merry Wives of Windsor” by William Shakespeare

Measure for measure:
I beseech your highness, do not marry to a whore! Your highness said even now I made a duke; good my lord, do not recompense me in making me cuckold.
Duke: Upon mine honour, thou shalt marry her, Thy slanders I forgive; and therewithal Remit thy other forfeits; Takehim to prison;
“Measure for measure” by William Shakespeare

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